Gordon Group


Nitride devices & bio-inspired photonics
•  Growth, patterning & physics of III-nitrides materials
•  IQE/EQE/spectroscopy of micro & nano LEDs
•  Sub-wavelength structures & metasurfaces
•  Bio-inspired & bio-enabled photonic structures & devices
•  FEM / FDTD optical simulations of metasurfaces and plasmonics

Photocatalysis & in situ spectroscopy
•  Developing ultra-fast DRIFTS and IR absorption spectroscopy to measure surface adsorbates @ μs~μs timescales
•  Measure how frequency, duty cycle, and energy of light affect turnover fro photocatalytic
•  Measure quantum yields for photocatalytic reactions

Spectroelectrochemistry of biomolecules
•  Probe fundamental mechanisms of protein assembly
•  Drive protein assembly using electrochemistry
•  Spectroelectrochemistry of reflectin, K18, tau
•  Incorporate bio-inspired structures into devices

Plasma-based material synthesis & modification
•  Material synthesis and modification with microplasmas and DBD plasmas
•  Plasma spectroscopy (OES, Raman, IR)
•  Materials for energy applications in solar, catalysis, energy storage

Hydrocarbon conversion in melt phases and with plasmas
•  Material screening & kinetics measurements
•  Gas, melt, carbon product spectroscopy & visualization
•  Arc plasmas at high pressure and plasmas directly excited in liquids
•  Plasma spectroscopy

Photophysical studies and applications of novel chromophores
•  Probe photocycle kinetics of photochromes under different stimuli
•  In-situ pump-probe, absorbance & CD spectroscopy
•  Incorporate photochromes into polymers & liquid crystal elastomers
•  Prototype photo-active devices

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