Address |
Dean's Office, College of Engineering University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080 USA | | |
Education |
Ph.D. Polymer Science and Engineering
| University of Massachusetts | 1977 | B.S. Chemical Engineering | Northwestern University, Chicago, IL | 1973 | |
Employment |
University of California, Santa Barbara | Professor, Chemical Engineering, Materials Richard A. Auhll Professor and Dean, College of Engineering | 1999- Present | | | | University of Minnesota | Head of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 1995-99 | | | | University of Minnesota | Earl E. Bakken Professor of Biomedical Engineering | 1993-97 | | | | University of Minnesota | Professor (Acting Head, 1992-93) | 1985-99 | | | | University of Minnesota | Shell Distinguished Chair in Chemical Engineering | 1986-91 | | | | University of Minnesota | Associate Professor | 1981-85 | | | | University of Minnesota | Assistant Professor | 1977-81 | | | | University of Massachusetts | Teaching and Research Assistant | 1973-77 | | | | Cincinnati Milacron Chemicals, Inc | (cooperative education program) | 1970-72 | | | | |
Professional Activities |
Visiting Professor, Planta Piloto de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, August 1979; Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, August, 1980. |
Visiting Scientist, Institut Français du Pétrole, Paris, July-August, 1981; École Supérieure dePhysique et Chimie, Paris, September to December, 1981; September to December, 1986;Australian National University, Canberra, June-July, 1982; AT&T Bell Laboratories, March to August, 1987. |
Olaf A. Hougen Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, September to December, 1990. |
Sherman Fairchild Visiting Scholar, California Institute of Technology, January to March, 1992. |
General Chairman, ACS/IEC Division 1980 Winter Symposium "Applications of Molecular Models of Polymer Dynamics." |
Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Polymers, Winter 1988. |
Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Organic Thin Films, Summer 2001. |
Gordon Research Conferences, Selection and Scheduling Committee, 1994-1999. |
Vice Chair, Chair-elect, Chair, Past Chair, American Physical Society, Division of High Polymer Physics. |
Vice Chair, Chair, Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council, AIChE, 1998-present. |
Panel Member, AAAS Project 2061, 1985-1987. |
Mondale Fellow, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute, University of Minnesota, 1991-1992. |
ACS Petroleum Research Fund Advisory Board, 1994-2000. |
National Research Council, Chemical Sciences Roundtable, 1997-1999. |
National Research Council, Co-Chair, Steering Committee, "Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century" |
U.S. Chair, German-American Frontiers of Engineering (NAE-DFG) 1999-present. |
Nominating Committee, National Academy of Engineering, 2001. |
External Advisory/Visiting Committees, School of Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992-present; Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid und Grenzflächenforschung, Berlin, 1995-present; Department of Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, 1996-present; Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996-2000, Department of Chemical Engineering, Cornell University 1999-present, Conseil Scientifique, Institut Français du Pétrole, 1997-present. |
Board of Directors, Cottage Health System, Santa Barbara, 2000-present. |
Advisor, Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, 1998- present. |
Consulting Professor, Nankai University, Tianjin Province, China; Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi Province, China. |
Science and Technology Panel, University of California President's Council for National Laboratory Administration, 2000-present. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Macromolecules, 1987-1990. |
Consulting Editor on Materials, AIChE Journal, 1988-1991. |
Editorial Board, Journal of Chemical Physics, 1991-1993. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Progress in Polymer Science, 1992-1997. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 1993-1996. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 1986-2000. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Rheology, 1990-present. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Polymerica Acta, 1992-present. |
Editorial Advisory Board, McGraw-Hill, Chemical Engineering Series, 1987-1998. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Oxford University Press, Chemical Engineering Series, 1998-2000. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Gordon and Breach, 2000-present. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Langmuir, 1995-present. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Chemistry of Materials, 1998-present. |
Editorial Advisory Board, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 1996-present. |
U.S. Editor, Chemical Engineering Science, 1988-1991. |
Associate Editor, Reviews in Macromolecular Science, 1992-2000. |
Editor, Reviews in Macromolecular Science, 2000-present. |
Editor, AIChE Journal, 1991-2001. |
Honors |
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ICI Distinguished Lecturer in Chemical Engienering, University of Alberta |
2005 |
Le Prix Dédale de la Sociéte Française d’Adhesion |
2005 |
NSF Engineering Distinguished Lecturer |
2005 |
W.N. Lacey Lectureship in Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology |
2004 |
Institute Lecturer, American Institute of Chemical Engineers |
2001 |
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Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science | 2000 |
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Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering | 1999 |
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Alumni Merit Award, Northwestern University | 1997 |
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1997 National Academy of Engineering | 1997 |
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1996 Charles M. A. Stine Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers | 1996 |
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Professional Progress Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers | 1994 |
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Fellow, American Physical Society | 1987 |
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Chancellor's Medal, University of Massachusetts at Amherst | 1987 |
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John H. Dillon Medal, American Physical Society | 1987 |
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John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship | 1986 |
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Allan P. Colburn Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers | 1985 |
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NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award | 1984 |
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Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship | 1982 |
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Outstanding Young Chemical Engineer of Minnesota | 1981 |
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Gordon Starr Outstanding Contribution Award (teaching/advising student organizations) | 1981 |
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George Taylor/IT Alumni Society Distinguished Research Award (for research by a professor in the Institute of Technology at Minnesota) | 1981 |
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Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award | 1980 |
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Special Lectures |
ICI Distinguished Lecturer in Chemical Engienering, University of Alberta
2005 |
Le Prix Dédale de la Sociéte Française d’Adhesion
2005 |
NSF Engineering Distinguished Lecturer
2005 |
W.N. Lacey Lectureship in Chemical Engineering California Institute of Technology
2004 |
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Leland Lecturer, Rice University | 2003 |
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Distinguished Patten Lecturer, University of Colorado | 2001 |
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Stanley Katz Memorial Lecture, City College of New York | 2000 |
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Chancellor's Distinguished Lecturer, Louisiana State University | 1999 |
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Mason Lectures, Stanford University | 1998 |
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Kelly Lectures, Purdue University | 1998 |
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Rohm and Haas Lectures, University of North Carolina | 1998 |
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Joseph Smith Distinguished Lecturer, University of California, Davis | 1997 |
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Gilpin Lecture, Clarkson University | 1997 |
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G.S. Whitby Lectures, University of Akron | 1997 |
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Madden Lecture, University of Pennsylvania | 1997 |
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Warren K. Lewis Lectures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 1995 |
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Berkeley Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, University of California | 1995 |
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Julian Smith Lecturer, Cornell University | 1994 |
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Merck Sponsored Distinguished Lectures, Rutgers University | 1993 |
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Donald Katz Lectures, University of Michigan | 1992 |
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Ashton Cary Lectures, Georgia Institute of Technology | 1992 |
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Warren McCabe Lecture, North Carolina State University | 1992 |
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Dow Lecture in Polymer Science, University of Massachusetts | 1991 |
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Nieuwland Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Notre Dame | 1991 |
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Olaf A. Hougen Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison | 1990 |
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Erwin H. Amick, Jr. Memorial Lecture in Chemical Engineering, Columbia University | 1990 |
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John Manson Memorial Lecture in Polymer Science, Lehigh University | 1990 |
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Robert W. Vaughan Lecturer, California Institute of Technology | 1985 |
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Allan P. Colburn Lecturer, University of Delaware | 1984 |
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Consultant to (current only) |
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Edwards Lifesciences | 2000-present |
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Santa Barbara Technology Group, Board Member | 2000-present |
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Kimberley-Clark Corporation | 2000-present |
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Institut Français du Pétrole | 1982-present |
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Member of |
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Advisory Panel NUS Graduate School of Integrative Sciences and Engineering National University of Singapore 2003-2005 | |
American Association for the Advancement of Science | |
American Chemical Society | |
American Institute of Chemical Engineers | |
American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers | |
American Physical Society | |
Biomedical Engineering Society | |
Controlled Release Society | |
Materials Research Society | |
National Academy of Engineering | |
Society for Biomaterials | |
Society of Polymer Science, Japan | |
Society of Rheology | |
Visiting Committee for Chemical & Environmental Engineering National University of Singapore 2003-2005 | |
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Major Current Research Areas |
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Professor Tirrell's research is focused on the manipulation and measurement of interfacial properties of materials used in applications from coatings and adhesion to lubrication and bioengineering. |
Publications |
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go to publication page | | |
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